Athlete’s foot is also known at Tinea pedis. It is a common and contagious fungal infection of the skin and commonly affects the feet. It can also spread to other parts of the body.
Tinea causes the skin to become scaly and cracked, flaky and very itchy.
Causes of Tinea:
Fungus thrives in a most warm environment.
- Tinea is typically transmitted in moist communal areas where people walk barefoot, such as around swimming pools, communal showers.
- People who wear enclosed shoes for long periods of time.
- Excessive sweating
- Alternate footwear each day and air out to dry to kill off fungus living inside your shoes.
- Wear moisture wicking socks
- Use medicated powders and sprays
- Dry feet and between toes thoroughly after showering
- Wipe Methylated spirits or Tea tree oil between the toes
If you suffer from Tinea, call Kew Foot Clinic 03 9853 6877 for the appropriate treatment.