A stress fracture is a small crack in a bone and is generally caused from overuse, excessive weight or pressure on a specific area.
Stress fractures commonly occur:
- Over use injury (People who do high impact sports like running and basketball
- Trauma (commonly people catch their little toe or stub their toe on a castor under the bed)
- More common in patients with osteoporosis
Overuse Injury:
A stress fracture occurs when muscles become fatigued (overused) and they are no longer able to lessen the shock of repeated impacts. When this occurs, the muscles transfer the stress to the bones. This can create small cracks or fractures. These fractures can be excessively painful and difficult to heal.
Common sites for stress fractures of the foot:
The most common sites of stress fractures are the 2nd, 3rd and 5th metatarsals of the foot. However, stress fractures can occur in any bone of the body.
- Pain generally develops overtime but if foot has suffered trauma pain is felt instantly.
- Pain increases with weight-bearing and lessens with rest.
- Swelling and bruising of the area
- Tenderness to touch
- Apply ice
- Rest
- Anti-inflammatories
- Cam Walkers (Moon Boots) to immobilize the foot to allow complete rest to induce healing.
The Kew Foot Clinic stocks a range of Cam Walkers for children and adults. An appointment is required to fit the boot. Some of the costs can be reimbursed through Private Health Insurance.
If you have a diagnosed stress fracture and need a professionally fitted CamWalker, call Kew Foot Clinic on 03 9853 6877 to make an appointment for your fitting.