Posterior Tibialis tendonitis is a condition characterized by tissue damage or inflammation and swelling of the tendon. This condition is usually caused from overuse or can be from poor foot biomechanics where the tendon is not aligned correctly resulting in pain located at the inner aspect of the lower leg and ankle.
The tibialis posterior muscles main function is stabilizing the foot and leg. It also contracts to produce inversion and helps lift the heel up and propel the foot forward for propulsion. It plays a major role in supporting the arch.
Causes of Posterior tibialis tendonitis:
- Flat feet
- Pronated feet
- Overuse (Fatigue)
- Overweight
- Pain on the inside of the heel and ankle region
- More painful on weight bearing
- Pain reduces with rest
Diagnosis and Treatment:
A thorough clinical history and examination can easily diagnose this condition. It is important to treat this condition as this muscle’s tendon insertion point can rupture off the bone if left untreated. This causes extreme pain and will cause an instant flat foot. This requires surgical intervention to repair the tendon.
This condition is best treated as early as possible so the severity of the problem doesn’t progress to a ruptured tendon.
Orthotics are commonly prescribed to the patient to get the foot back into an improved functioning position so this tendon is no longer overworked and becomes fatigued and stressed.
If you suffer from pain associated with Posterior Tibialis tendonitis, call Kew Foot Clinic on 03 9853 6877 to make an appointment for the appropriate treatment.