What is a corn?
A corn is hardened skin lesion with a central core. This corn is compacted skin in a very specific area. It often has a callous which is thickened toughened hard skin overlying it.
Corns are caused by 4 main things:
Can corns be surgically removed?
Corns can be cut out by a qualified Podiatrist. This doesn’t hurt. However, corns will grow back if the above 4 things are not removed from the equation.
Changing footwear and removing the pressure on the tops of the toes or under the foot will reduce the frequency of how quickly they will grow back.
Corns are different to warts/papillomas. Warts are a virus. Warts can be treated so they don’t grow back, but corns will grow back on the foot if the pressure and friction is not removed.
Do corn removal pads work?
Corn pads contain salicylic acid. Once this pad is applied to the skin the acid eats away at the corn and the surrounding skin. This can cause more discomfort as it makes a hole in the skin, potentially causing a wound or an ulcer. For those whose circulation to the legs and feet are impaired, these corn plasters can cause infection so severe that you cannot heal the wound and the toe turns gangrene and amputation of the toe.
Podiatrists highly recommend that these pads are not used.
Please contact the Kew Foot Clinic for treatment regarding corns and callous.
T: 9853 6877