Ankle and foot problems are common in children of all ages. Some foot problems present as painful symptoms and can become problematic for the child and can cause degenerative pain as they older.
Some foot problems are not painful and often go undiagnosed which can also cause degenerative disease as the child gets older.
Some ankle and foot problems are hereditary, while most are due to strain and mal-alignment of muscles and tendons with repetitive use during sporting activities.
Many problems are often overlooked or labeled as growing pains and insignificant to follow up and are not diagnosed correctly.
Some common foot problems you should be aware of that can affect children include:
Flat Feet:
Flat feet are commonly a hereditary condition that can affect walking, balance and physical stability. The arch of flat feet can improve as the muscles and tendons strengthen with age and development.
If the flat foot persists it can cause alignment issues of the muscles and tendons, not only in the feet and ankles but also in the knees, groin, hips and lower back, contributing to damage to joints.
In-toeing (Pidgeon toed):
In-toeing or an adducted gait is when a child’s feet turn inwards instead of pointing straight. This causes the child to trip on their own feet and are usually awkward and un co-ordinated. This condition can improve with age however, the earlier intervention and treatment is instigated, the better the results for improving the alignment of the legs and feet.
Sever’s Disease:Sever’s disease also known as Calcaneal aphophysiitis.
It is a growing pain problem where the bones grow faster than the muscle and tendons where they attach to the heel bone.
If a child is active in their sporting activities there can be a repetitious strain on the achilles tendon where it attaches to the heel bone, causing inflammation of the tendon and the growth plate of the bone.
Children tend to complain of pain at the back of the heel during exercise, after exercise and may find walking painful after periods of rest.
As Podiatrists, we know the importance of diagnosing and treating foot problems in children to prevent further consequences.
Don’t wait until your child has foot pain before having them assessed by an experienced Podiatrist.
Early detection can save your child from long term discomfort.
Contact our clinic on 03 9853 6877 to make an appointment to see one of our experienced Podiatrists.
Keep your feet happy!!