Children have feet problems too.
They can range from:
- Flat feet (Feet rolled in)
- Pidgeon toed (Feet and legs turned in)
- Gait issues (Style of walking-can trip over easily/look awkward
- Growing pains in heels and knees (Sever’s and Osgood Schlatter’s)
- Nail problems
- In grown toe nails
- Warts (Plantar warts/verrucae pedis)
These sorts of problems can effect your child’s sporting and social activities. They might be experiencing pain. embarrassment or general difficulty walking.
As a parent you don’t want to see your child experience any of these things.
Early assessment, diagnosis and management can make a huge difference to them in the short term as well as longer term. Some issues need to be treated early to prevent problems in later life.
All of these concerns can be treated by our professional Podiatrists at the Kew Foot Clinic.
Your children will travel the world and need happy and healthy feet.
Look after them now.
Contact the Kew Foot Clinic on Ph: 9853 6877 to make an appointment to put your mind at ease.
66 Harp Road KEW 3101